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September 17, 2024
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Tele-law is a service uses video conferencing facility and telephone services to connect lawyers to litigants who need legal advice.

This service aims to reach out to the needy especially the marginalized and disadvantaged. The service is provided through Common Service Centers or CSCs located at gram panchayat level.

For more information click on http://www.tele-law.in

May be an image of text that says 'न्याय विभाग DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE टेली-ला e-GOVERNANCE CSC 0 TELE-LAW Reaching the Unreached टेली- वंचित लोगों तक पहुँच Voices of the beneficiaries लाभार्थियों की आवाज facebook.com/CscTeleLaw twitter.com/Tele_Law'

May be an image of text that says 'TELE-LAW Voices of the Beneficiaries TELE-LAW STOP FIGHTING INJUSTICE Ms Shikha Shrivastav esident of Nawabganj village in Uttar Pradesh found that toll plaza within two-kilometre distance of the village centre was collecting toll tax from owners of four-wheelers even though had been stipulated that those who lived within five-kilometre of toll plaza were exempted from payment. Ms Shrivastav took legal advice through Tele-Law Scheme and helped the community of Nawabganj village overcome illegal tax collection. /ravishakrasd CSC /RaviShankrasdOfficial @rsprasad /RaviShankaPrasad /RaviShankaPrasadMP'

May be a cartoon of 2 people and text that says 'u Digital India टेली-लॉ S V Did You Know? Women are eligible for free legal aid through TELE-LAW According to Section 12(c) of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, Women are entitled to free legal aid irrespective of her income or financial status.'


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